Friday 5/3/13: Ed was fantastic! I got to see him on the first night I arrived to West Palm. Seriously, he is such a beautifully talented man and I just want to kiss him all because of his gift. He performed "Kiss Me", "Lego House", "Wake Me Up" and "Wayfaring Stranger" to name a few. However I was disappointed he didn't perform "Give Me Love" but nonetheless he was perfectly fantastic and I will definitely store these memories in my heart, always.
Saturday 5/4/13: The next morning, my sister woke up early to head to the local coffee shop. She left me there while she did her intensive yoga class and I just casually stole the wifi and completed some course work. Then when my sister got out of her workout she ordered a "Breakfast Smoothie" (peanut butter, bananas, milk) with a shot of expresso. Me however, being the super anxious one, opted for a nice iced spicy chai.
Later that afternoon, my sister had a lunch date with a friend and I was able to go. We chit-chatted over lunch then headed to Old Navy for some shopping. Not being too thrilled with the clothing options that this store has to offer, I found an adorable pair of metallic cat eye sunglasses that I absolutely adore! (See picture below.) We then went to Target and ran some other errands before heading back for Sunfest round 2.
When we arrived, Zac Brown Band was performing. He was rather talented, it was just saddening how small the crowd was. After him, The Lone Bellow performed. Ironically enough, the main singer went to the local college in West Palm and also my future school. So he was quite thrilled to be back in town. They were INCREDIBLE. I am so suprised they haven't made it big yet, but watch out... they are soon about to explode in popularity! I say if The Civil Wars, The Lumineers and Mumford & Sons all genetically had some sort of love child then that would be The Lone Bellow. Check out one of their songs "Bellow" (pun intended)
And my personal favorite of their's:
Sunday 5/5/13: Typical Sunday. Attended church, then hang out at my sister's place while she went to a baby shower. Afterwards, we headed towards Sunfest to watch the closing ceremony aka fireworks. It was so spectacular! People even stopped their cars on the bridge just to watch!! What a great way to end the festivities. Then after that was over, we turned right back around and headed for the closest Starbucks to catch up on work and get a nice coffee. We did that for about an hour and then ended the rest of the day by passing out once we got home.
All in all, this weekend was beautiful. I am so glad I was able to be a part of it and I look forward to future concerts and adventures alike.
With love,
ED <3