Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Breezy beach days, Easter and coffee

March 28th - April 4th; (THIS POST IS LONG OVERDO AND FOR THAT I APOLOGIZE IMMENSELY) The last week and a half has consisted of nothing more than laughter, genuinely good family moments, love and excitement (minus the overwhelming course work I have been managing.)  I can finally say that I am happy for once. I am slowly realizing that life is bittersweet, but for the best. You may have your rough patches and your lowest moments, but those help you learn to cherish and appreciate the sweetest moments in life. My sister came home on Thursday afternoon. It is always so great seeing her. I can honestly say, I have the best moments whenever she is around. Friday came around and we went to the beach at sunset. It was quite the chilly day I might add. Our brother and pup tagged along for the journey with hardly anyone was there. I felt like I was in heaven. 

Then Saturday rolled around. "Hoppy Easter" from the Sebul household. We attended our father's church while we watched him and his lovely fiance sing. It was beautiful. So coming from a family with the last name ending in "sky" you'd realize we're very much Polish. So sweet cheese was on the menu along with some nut rolls. I ended up passing out at 10pm while the rest of my family continued to play cards for hours on end. 

Then on Sunday, my mother, sister and I woke up nearly at 5am! Yes, you read that right. We attended the sunrise service at our local church. It was right on the water so the slight breeze and absolutely jaw-dropping watching the sunrise slowly climb up the horizon. I look forward to that every year. Of course, I would be lost without my coffee, so we made a quick pit stop to Starbucks before the service (thank goodness for early hours, Starbucks.)

All in all, the weekend was bliss. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store.

With love,

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